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Antarctic Ice Charts

Based on U.S. National Ice Center's Antarctic daily and weekly analyses, various ice charts are produced to represent ice conditions in a graphical format. Ice conditions are based on ice concentrations, stage of development (ice type / thickness), and 30 day ice concentration changes.

Display / Format

Thumbnail image of daily Antarctic marginal
             ice zone chart
Daily Marginal Ice Zone

A graphical representation of the daily ice analysis that depicts the marginal ice zone (ice concentration up to 80%) in yellow and pack ice (ice concentration 80% and greater) in red.

Thumbnail image of Antarctic ice
             concentration chart
Weekly Ice Concentration

A graphical representation of ice concentrations based on the weekly ice analysis.

Thumbnail image of Antarctic stage of
             development chart
Weekly Stage of Development

A graphical representation of the estimated stage of development/ice thickness based on the weekly ice analysis.

Thumbnail image of Antarctic 30-Day ice change chart
30-Day Ice Change

A graphical representation of the change in sea ice extent over the last 30 days.

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