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IMS Data Support Files

The Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) daily analysis of snow and ice generates various support files. Text and GRIB files for input into various platforms, and GeoTIFF files that allow the raster format to be viewed in GIS applications.

Display / Format

Thumbnail image 
                 or Northern Hemisphere region with a denoting ASC logo

A compressed ASC file that contains Northern Hemisphere snow and ice information based on daily IMS analysis. There are 3 files produced based on data resolution: 1KM, 4KM, and 24KM

Thumbnail image
                 or Northern Hemisphere region with a denoting NetCDF logo
IMS NetCDF Files

A compressed NetCDF file that contains Northern Hemisphere snow and ice information based on daily IMS analysis. There are 3 files produced based on data resolution: 1KM, 4KM, and 24KM

Thumbnail image 
                 or Northern Hemisphere region with a denoting GRIB logo

Compressed GRIB files that contains Northern Hemisphere snow, ice, and time information based on daily IMS analysis. There are multiple files produced based on information type and data resolution: Snow 1KM and 4KM, Ice 1KM and 4KM, Time 1KM.

Thumbnail image 
                 or Northern Hemisphere region with a denoting GeoTIFF logo

A compressed GeoTIFF file that contains Northern Hemisphere snow and information in a raster format that is based on daily IMS analysis. There are 2 files produced based on data resolution: 1KM and 4KM.

Icon with up arrow to indicate scroll up.