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Great Lakes Outlooks and Summary

During the Great Lakes season the U.S. National Ice Center and Canadian Ice Service in cooperation produce a seasonal outlook, 30 day outlooks, and a seasonal summary. The outlooks provide detailed ice condition information for various regions in the Great Lakes and the seasonal summary gives a recap and comparison of the Great Lakes ice season.

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                 Great Lakes region with a denoting PDF icon
Great Lakes Forecast, Outlook, and Summary

In cooperation with NAIS forecasts, an outlook, and seasonal summary are produced in support of the Great Lakes ice season. These documents provide ice and environmental information that are broken out through main areas throughout the Great Lakes region. The documents produced are as follow:

  • 30 Day Forecast - Created throughout the Great Lakes season on the 1st and 15th of the month. Provides a summary for each area and supporting graphics reflecting ice conditions 15 and 30 days out.
  • Seasonal Outlook - An annual outlook produced at the beginning of the Great Lakes ice season. Provides a summary for each areas and supporting graphics that reflect ice conditions on the beginning of each month from December to March.
  • Seasonal Summary - An annual summary produced at the end of the Great Lakes ice season. Provides a summary of ice conditions for each region for the previous ice season and contains supporting graphics of environmental conditions and comparisons to previous years.

Thumbnail image of the Great Lakes denoting
             text file
Great Lakes NAVTEX

Daily text description of current and near-term ice conditions in the Great Lakes. Jointly produced by USNIC (Lake Michigan) and CIS (Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario).

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