The data support files presented are based off U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) Antarctic daily or weekly ice analysis. Support products are offered as GIS with shapefiles KMZs, and various text files.
A GIS format that contains analyzed ice lines and ice concentration data derived from USNIC daily ice analysis. Two GIS shapefiles created:
Two KMZ files are created with attributes defined by ice concentration.
A GIS shapefile that contains vector and attribute data that separates ice conditions based on total concentration, stage of development (ice types) with respective concentrations, and forms of ice.
The Antarctic KMZ file is created off the USNIC Weekly Antarctic ice analysis. The files contain SIGRID-3 information on ice conditions that are separated into total ice concentration, ice types with their respective concentrations, and ice floe size.
Text files are based off the USNIC daily Antarctic ice analysis. Files created are in text latitude / longitude pairs for portability and can be parsed into various platforms and programs. The following are a detail of file contents and format: