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Arctic Data Support Files

The data support files presented are based off U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) Arctic daily or weekly ice analysis. Support products are offered as GIS files with shapefiles and KMZs, and various text files.

Display / Format

Thumbnail image of the Arctic denoting
             GIS files
Daily Arctic Shapefile

Three GIS shapefiles are created off the USNIC daily Arctic ice analysis.

  • MIZ - a vector analysis separating ice areas into 1 to 8 tenths and 8 to 10 tenths ice concentrations.
  • Overlay - vector analysis separating ice and no ice.
  • SPAROS - vector analysis representing ice edge, 100% boundary, and 48hr forecast lines.

Thumbnail image of the Arctic denoting
             KMZ files
Daily KMZ Files

Two KMZ files are created with attributes defined by ice concentration.

  • Colorfill KMZ - contains color-defined ice areas for the marginal ice zone (concentration up to 80%) in yellow and pack ice (ice concentration 80% and greater) in red
  • Vector KMZ - contains color-defined ice lines for the ice edge in yellow and the marginal ice zone (concentration up to 80%) and pack ice boundary (ice concentration 80% and greater) in red.

Thumbnail image of the Arctic denoting
             GIS files
Weekly Arctic Shapefile

A GIS shapefile is created off the USNIC weekly Arctic ice analysis. A more thorough ice analysis than the daily ice analysis that separates ice areas to include total ice concentration, ice types with their respective concentrations and ice forms where applicable.

Thumbnail image of the Arctic denoting
             KMZ files
Weekly Arctic KMZ

The Arctic KMZ file is created off the USNIC Weekly Arctic ice analysis. The files contain SIGRID-3 information on ice conditions that are separated into total ice concentration, ice types with their respective concentrations, and ice floe size.

Thumbnail image of the Arctic denoting
             Text files
Daily Text Files

Text files are based off the USNIC daily Arctic ice analysis. Files created are in latitude / longitude pairs for portability and can be parsed into various platforms and programs. The following are a detail of file contents and format:

  • ASCII Format - general text format that outlines the ice edge to the nearest 1/10th of a degree.
    • North ASCII - outlines the ice edge
  • Rainform OTH Format - text format with a DoD defined header
    • MIZ - outlines ice edge and marginal ice zone (concentration up to 80%) boundaries within the Arctic.
    • Ice Extent - outlines ice edge boundary
    • SPAROSPAC1 - outlines the ice edge within the North Pacific Ocean
    • SPAROSPAC2 - outlines the pack ice boundary (concentration at 80% or greater) within the North Pacific Ocean
    • SPAROSPAC3 - outlines the 48-hour forecast ice edge within the North Pacific Ocean
    • SPAROSLANT1 - outlines the ice edge within the North Atlantic Ocean
    • SPAROSLANT2 - outlines the pack ice boundary (concentration at 80% or greater) within the North Atlantic Ocean
    • SPAROSLANT3 - outlines the 48-hour forecast ice edge within the North Atlantic Ocean
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