Catalog Overview
Arctic Region
Antarctic Region
Great Lakes Region
Mid-Atlantic Region
GRIB - Ice Concentration
GRID - Resolution 1275
GRID - Resolution 1800
GRID - Resolution 2550
Navigational Telex (NAVTEX)
Description: ASCII text files that contain ice concentration at various cell size resolutions.
GRIB- a concise data format commonly used in meteorology
1. Ice concentration – a text file with ice concentration at a resolution size of 5.079 km
GRID - defines geographic spaces as an array of equally sized square grid points arranged in rows and columns.
1. Resolution 1275 – a text file with ice concentration at a resolution size of 1.275 km
2. Resolution 1800 – a text file with ice concentration at a resolution size of 1.800 km
3. Resolution 2550 – a text file with ice concentration at a resolution size of 2.550 km
NAVTEX - daily text description of current and near term ice conditions
Coverage Area: Great Lakes
Periodicity: Daily
Dissemination: USNIC Website, CIS Website