Catalog Overview
Arctic Region
Antarctic Region
Great Lakes Region
Mid-Atlantic Region
Ice Extent
Description: ASCII text files with ice boundary lines identified by latitude and longitude pair sequence
ASCII Format - contains ice lines at the ice edge and pack ice (ice concentration
80% and greater) boundaries
1. South ASCII - Shows the daily Ice Edge data to the nearest 1/10th of a degree
Rainform OTH - a text format with a DoD defined
header and body that latitude and longitude pairs follow
1. MIZ - outlines ice edge and MIZ (ice concentration up to 80%) boundaries within Antarctic waters
2. Ice Extent - outlines ice edge boundary within Antarctic waters
Coverage Area: Antarctic waters
Format: ASCII, Rainform OTH
Periodicity: Daily
Dissemination: USNIC website, CTG 80.7 Portal, NEP-Oc IC Portal